Sunday Morning: Snow Day

It’s the start of a new week! I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. This weekend has been a fairly lazy one for us in the McAdam house, it was a late start for us here on Saturday. We started to watch House of Cards on Friday {yay!!} and ended up running out to get some wood for a project at Lowe’s. We came back home and J had to run back to work because he needed his spare phone charger and computer charger.

By then, it had started snowing. I knew that the snow was going to start rolling in, so I didn’t really want to go out again. We did, then we stopped by Chili’s on the way home to have a drink and an appetizer. Our neighbor, who happens to work and bartend there, was working and our waitress. She was cheery and had a great attitude–judging that everyone in the area obviously would rather go out to dinner than make it at home that night.

We left Chili’s and by then it was snowing pretty good and was coating the roads well. We hunkered down and binged watched a bunch more of House of Cards.

This morning, we had approximately 7-8 inches of new snow.

I love snow, I love the look of it, I love how it can cover up imperfections of everything and make it look perfect. However, I don’t enjoy driving in it. Nope.

Today’s another day to hunker down and enjoy the snow. So I walked Stryker:

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Like my Skhoop skirt? 😉

Anywho, here are some good reads if you too are staying inside today:

  1. Did you know that there have been some changes to your Pinterest feed? Learn how to fix them.
  2. Starbuck’s is stepping up their grocery game.
  3. Speaking of Starbucks, who has ordered an Ariana Grande?
  4. There is a great heartwarming story about an Utah woman’s wedding dress. It’s a great story to read if you need to restore your faith in humanity.
  5. Need a new mug for your morning joe? {Who doesn’t, right?!} Not a morning person? *Raises hand.* Here are 22 Mugs for People Who Hate Mornings.

Enjoy your week!


2 Crochet Hooks

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